Tuesday, December 4, 2007

What About Thad?

Did anyone see that movie, What About Thad? It's this really old Mormon movie where this boy get corrupted by evil hippies. Spencer's never seen it and I'm trying to find it so he can watch it.
My friend Sachiko wrote about stalking, This reminded me of my favorite game. When I exit the freeway I won't turn on my turn signal until the person in front of me does. Coincidentally, most of the time the driver and I will have the same places to turn so although I don't actually follow them it looks as though I am.
This sort of thing would terrify my mother so I assume it would to other motorist.
Wile driving the dark wooded freeway to Bellingham I noticed that for at least 7 miles I had been following an SUV. It was taking all the turns I do so I just turned my blinker when they did. I must have really freaked them out. They pulled into my apartment complex, and quickly turned their car around to face mine.
Spencer now finds this game amusing.


Rebecca said...

That's great. Did they see you get out of your car, or did they just drive away or what?

I don't stalk people, but I totally keep track of what kind of car is behind me in case I later need to identify it to the police.

Chrissy said...

The driveway to my apartment place is really long and dark so they pull the car around in the driveway and I just drive past them.

sachiko said...

Who's the Sachiko girl? Sounds like a geek. Sometimes I feel like I'm following someone and then I think they get freaked out and turn somewhere I'm not going. This one time I psyched myself out and thought someone broke into our house because the light had been left on and I didn't remember leaving it on. I waited 5-10 minutes for Mark to get home then got out of my car and waited just outside of his car door. It was completely dark and when he opened his door he was white as a ghost! I laughed. He cried.