Friday, August 22, 2008

Stop pestering the birds

Every playground harbors an behavior insurrectionist. (look I can use big words!)
Like the people who tell children not to chase the birds. I understand overly bulky birds like peacocks , chickens or turkeys who cannot fly well, but what child could hurt a raven or seagull? I'm sure they are annoyed about being chased away from the picnickers, but really, how many times have you seen this? Once there was a boy throwing sand down at the ground. He was fascinated with the rocks that would sink into the sand and some that would bounce. A mother (who only had girls) saw the boy and followed him around saying, "We don't throw dirt."
Well, yes, maybe you don't throw dirt but he does, and he's really enjoying it.


Zachary said...

That totally reminds me of an episode of Scrubs where a mother comes over and starts giving Dr. Cox and Jordan parenting advice, and they turn it around on her and make her look like a complete fool. It was hilarious.

Kid...go throw dirt!

Rebecca said...

That picture is unequivocally disgusting.

Holdinator said...

Sometimes I have to stop myself when correcting one of my kids and ask if there's really a good reason to tell them to stop, or if it's just a reflex reaction that I have as a parent. So, thanks for the reminder that somethings really aren't a big deal.