Saturday, July 26, 2008

I kissed my cat and I liked it, he got fur all over my chapstick

I won't read Sandman cause a lot of the art is so bad and I can't finish Tellos cause the writing is so awful. Spencer is hardcore. He will finish collections of X-men in a day that will take me over a week to finish. I read two pages and I get so annoyed with the ridiculous writing that I have to go look up lol cats or decent web comics like scary go round or penny arcade.
I've never been too fond of the X-men it's difficult for people to write groups well. It's all concept and no character. Joss Whedon pulls it off really well each character is independent of each other. It must be all those years writing for television.

When I was first married my sister in law told me that comics books were a phase and that Spencer and I would grow out of it.
If you haven't seen this site before go to it immediately, go to Galleries and look at Examples of Superdickery.

When I was in college I took a class about getting a job and they advised us that we need to be confident.
I tried my new skills at my nest interview. After a series of questions which I do not remember the answers to she came to the final one, "What would you like to change about yourself." I thought a minute, "Nothing," I said smiling "I like the way I am."
I didn't get the job.


Zachary said...

I didn't know you were into comic books! Are you following Comic-Con? Did you know they are coming out with an Ender's Game comic book? If you haven't read Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, I highly recommend it.

Hope you are well Cuz!

Mark Nott said...

I hate interviews.

It's funny because I've never read a comic book (beside the tick) but movies and TV shows have pulled me into the comic characters. Comic strips I can handle though

Rebecca said...

I hope I wasn't the sister-in-law who said that. I totally want to be one of those cool artistic people who is into comics, but I'm just not.

Spencer Ellsworth said...

Artistic people are into comics? I guess being a nerd has finally paid off.

And given that comics are the polar opposite of everything I have to read for school, I like them a lot.