I ran out of contacts and my glasses were just snapped in half. Duct tape is holding my glasses together.
My car broke down in Canada. Duct tape is holding my car together.
If Adia cracks her skull I will post pictures of her with duct tape on her head.
I use duct tape to get dog hair off my clothes. In fact, I was just thinking of doing that.
I didn't know people really tapped their glasses together. How intriguing!
I bet surgeons use duct tape. I bet there are thousands of people walking around with their hearts and livers and intestines taped together with duct tape, and they don't even know it. I bet Burj Dubai (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burj_Dubai) is held together with duct tape. I bet the Titanic sank because duct tape hadn't been invented yet.
ol occulus repario should've done it, actually.
occulus reparo is actually duct tape, applied very quickly by a legion of indentured fairies.
but I'm saying, that should have worked!
Confession: I totally stalk your blog. You're frickin' hilarious. Just thought I'd come clean.
Duct tape really is the best thing ever. If it's broke, it can fix it. And if, by some astronomically small odds, it can't, then said object should just be tossed. Unless, of course, it's your toddler daughter's head.
Also, loved the mermaid post. It was truly fabulous.
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