Sunday, October 12, 2008

POST 100 and it's AWESOME

I was studying for my lesson to teach the teenage girls in my class. Suspiciously, the other teacher was sick. I say suspiciously because it was the most ridiculous lesson.
The subject was fine--keep your standards high, don't misbehave, but in the manual there was a list of us vs. them types of examples to share The last of the opposites was Astrology vs. Astronomy, with astronomy being a gospel principle.

I'd like to bear my testimony on the gospel truth of astronomy. I know Galileo was a all into that star stuff and he was really cool. For all of you that have dappled in astrology there is still hope you may come back.

(The lesson went fine. I ended up talking a lot about using Christ as a standard for loving everyone, but the next time I look up in the sky and see Leo I'll be calling my bishop.)


Rebecca said...

Wha-huh? Astronomy is a gospel principle? Hm, I guess you learn something new every day...

Spencer Ellsworth said...

I think there is some sort of dubious connection to the Book of Abraham and the interest in the Nauvoo period in stars and planets. Not sure off the top of my head, but Joseph was known for talking about the different time spans on different planets as compared to earthly time, and somewhere, either in the D & C or Hist. of the Church, he talked about time differences in planetary orbits being a sign of the stages between man and God.

Of course, if you bring that one up in Young Women's you'll get even stranger looks than you would with the Galileo thing.

Holdinator said...

It's all about Facsimile number 2 yo.

That's where the astronomy is.

(Except according to Egyptologists... but that's neither here nor there.)

Zachary said...

There are also references to the planets circling the sun and not the sun circling the Earth in the Book of Mormon, shortly before Christ makes an appearance.

But I LOVE church manuals! They ROCK! I mean...ARE GROOVY!

Spencer Ellsworth said...

Sometimes the snow comes down in June, sometimes the sun goes round the moon!

(That is also in the Book of Abraham, Facsimile no. Awesome.)