Today while eating dinner Adia said, "He go outside."
"Who went outside?" I asked.
"A ghost," said Adia
"Really? What does he look like?"
"Like a cow."
"Where in the world did you hear the word ghost? How do you know what one is?" I asked.
She pointed at the empty door, where apparently the ghost cow was standing.
Then it shouted MOO!
Okay the last "moo" part was made up. The first part was a real conversation.
It's either one of two things. Imagination or schizophrenia. That's what I would tell you if I was a Dr.
Adia has a case of mad ghost disease.
Olivia has an imaginary friend. Her name is Erica and she's about three inches tall. Ella sat on her the other day.
I never know where my kids pick up all sorts of words. guns, barbie, crap, etc.
well...not that last one. they got that one from me. :P
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