Thursday, October 8, 2009

October = Ghost

Today while eating dinner Adia said, "He go outside."

"Who went outside?" I asked.

"A ghost," said Adia

"Really? What does he look like?"

"Like a cow."

"Where in the world did you hear the word ghost? How do you know what one is?" I asked.
She pointed at the empty door, where apparently the ghost cow was standing.

Then it shouted MOO!

Okay the last "moo" part was made up. The first part was a real conversation.


Sacajawea said...

It's either one of two things. Imagination or schizophrenia. That's what I would tell you if I was a Dr.

Rebecca said...

Adia has a case of mad ghost disease.

Raych said...

Olivia has an imaginary friend. Her name is Erica and she's about three inches tall. Ella sat on her the other day.

whitney said...

I never know where my kids pick up all sorts of words. guns, barbie, crap, etc.

well...not that last one. they got that one from me. :P