Spencer: Du dun don dabble diddle diddle dee.
Me: Stop that it's annoying
Spencer: dun dun. How do I make this noise? I'm not even a fiddle.
This is something I deal with regularly.
When my church asked me to teach the girl 16-18 I thought they had the wrong idea. "Are you sure you don't mean 6-8 ?"
After several months I am positive they must have the wrong person. We had a meeting to discuss decorating a bulletin board. (Arrrgh and they wonder why the boys have better turnout to activities) I said unicorns. And in my defense if you do a google image search of unicorns it promises some hilarious entertainment.
It seemed like my ideas were not what they were looking for which is totally fine I just think I was probably in the wrong place. Oh well I get to teach them all my false doctrines on Sundays. This Sunday my lesson is about how turtles use to do baptisms for the dead and the temple is where we play naked basketball.
P.S. I had a friend who really thought that's why people had to have a recommendation to go the temple, cause we play naked basketball.
So is eternity a reference to teaching about the temple or how long you get to hear Spencer make fiddle sounds?
fiddle sounds
I thought you needed a recommend because you sacrificed goats...naked...
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