Sunday, October 18, 2009


When Spencer and I went to Scotland we spent some time talking to a girl in a crowded pub. She was boring, like an abstract painting that you to pretend you appreciate. We spent a long time trying to figure out where she was from. She sounded like an odd mix of Dick Van Dyke (from Mary Poppins), Groundskeeper Willie with a hint of Wallace and Gromit.

"Where are you from? I asked. "I've been trying to place where you are from but for the life of me can't figure it out."
Her face lit up like I was writing a story about her.

"Keliforrrnia." (California)

I was confused. This girl's accent was ridiculous "How long have you been here?"

"6 months!" She was so proud that she was blending in with the locals. Too bad they were just other U.S. tourists.

Zach, this was in Edinburgh by the way. Tell me if you run into her.


Unknown said...

Hey, it's the Most Hideous Statue in Scotland! Our tour guide said he always wondered how Mel Gibson had managed to chop off a guy's head with a ball and chain.

whitney said...

Love the abstract painting comparison! It definitely brought a smile to my face. I'm gonna have to steal that one.

Rebecca said...

I despise people who try to fake accents and then pretend that they just normally talk that way. I want to cut their tongues out, and I don't think that's overreacting.

Spencer Ellsworth said...

One of my companions on my mission who had served some of his mission in Australia used to "slip" into an Australian accent.

I looked him up on Facebook the other day just so I would decisively not friend him.