Sunday, January 20, 2008

A spoonful of what?

I remember when watched Mary Poppins for the first time.
I was about six and at repeated begging my friend finally let me watch her copy.
There is a part in the movie where medicine is handed out. At each spoonful the children say what flavor they taste, Poppins announces her flavor is "rum punch."
I remember I was wary of Poppins after that announcement. I figured she must have been an alcoholic if she wanted rum flavored medicine. I figured once Jane and Michael were asleep she would break open her bottles and drink till she passed out.

I still think she probably did that.


Rebecca said...

She's a live-in nanny - I WOULD NOT BLAME HER.

Unknown said...

Do you remember those kids? They were annoying as all get out. I would want some "Rum Punch" as well.

Chrissy said...

I didn't believe those kids were as bad as they proclaimed themselves to be. They did, however, posses no personality which was annoying.