Tuesday, March 4, 2008

suicide squirrels

Bellingham is full of suicide squirrels.
When Spencer and I go running squirrels dash out in front of us. It's pretty freaky since you don't see any of them till this jet black rodent dashes out trying desperately to get stepped on or at least accidentally kicked into the air. I scream every time then laugh, not unlike a handicapped child.
There are two squirrels in our yard that run up to me when I open the front door. I thought they were cute until they were almost touching me. I realized that they were just rats with adorable tails and ran inside, I use the back door now.

1 comment:

Holdinator said...

I've known squirrels like that. In Michigan they were all over the place, but according to Hugh Nibley all such wildlife has fled Utah because of the blood-thirsty kids who can't see a small animal without wanting to kill it.

Maybe the blood-thirsty kids should move to Bellingham, then the squirrels wouldn't have to try so hard.